
Tags: FP


There are two primary approaches to programming:


the "classical" approach where the code describes how to accomplish something


the "functional" approache where the code describes what to accomplish

The evolution of looping remarks on the steps from looping in an imperative style to functional programming that expresses intent and frees the language/compiler/machine to select potentially better mechanisms of how to accomplish the task. A tangible benefit of functional approaches is code that expreses intent, which makes bugs easier to identify and solve. It doesn’t hurt that the lines of code can often get shorter.

My list of looping approaches (with un-official terms):

  • while/until

  • for with iterator

  • for each

  • forEach (functional)


I started with examples written in JavaScript, but "for each" and "forEach" weren’t as clear as examples written in other languages. So I re-wrote the examples in Groovy, a language related to Java that requires less boilerplate.

while (or "until" to test at end of loop)
List<Integer> input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Integer sum = 0     // mutating sum

def i = 0               // iterator set to starting position of collection
def max = input.size()  // calculate end position once
while (i < max) {       // test if continue looping
    def val = input[i]; // get value from array
    sum += val;         // change state of the sum
    i++;                // increment iterator
println "result of while() sum = ${sum}"
for loop
List<Integer> input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Integer sum = 0     // mutating sum

def max = input.size()          // calculate end position once
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { // declare iterator, test & increment statements
    def val = input[i];         // get value from array
    sum += val;                 // change state of the sum
println "result of for(;;) sum = ${sum}"
for each/in
List<Integer> input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Integer sum = 0     // mutating sum

for (Integer val : input) {
    sum += val
println "for(each) sum => ${sum}"
each (or "forEach" in Java8)
List<Integer> input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Integer sum = 0     // mutating sum

input.each { Integer val ->  // explicitly declare type & name; groovy defaults to "it"
    sum += val
println "[].each() sum => ${sum}"

The iterators started externally, then gradually moved internal to the loop, and finally disappeared.

The lines of code also dropped, although some of the intermediate steps had some busy lines. For instance, for(;;) has the same work as the while() loop by essentially combining lines.

The general trend is from imperative (how) to declarative (what) code. Less declarations for how to accomplish a task, the less opportunities for defects to be unintentionally introduced. Also, the environment has more opportunities to optimize the solution, such as parallel processing.

An example of a functional approach to summing (although most will provide a sum() function) can be:
List<Integer> input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
def inputSum = input.inject(0, { acc, it -> acc + it })     // most call it "reduce"
println inputSum


  • Favor declarative over imperative programming.

  • Use higher-level constructs in your language

  • Favor results over steps. This leads to functional programming.

  • Prefer immutability over states & transactions

  • final keyword in Java, Groovy to prevent changing state